Naturopathy is based on the belief that the body is self-healing. The body will repair itself and recover from illness spontaneously if it is in a healthy environment. The natural way of healing Naturopathy shows the way…. God has not given us any disease for which he has not provided a remedy, only we must have the vision to look at it!
Naturopathic Medicine, or Naturopathy, is a system of medicine that uses natural substances to treat the patient and recognition that the patient`s mental, emotional, and physical states must all be treated for a lasting effect. In these phenomena of naturopathy the body will repair itself and recover from illness spontaneously if it is in a healthy environment.
Naturopaths have many remedies and recommendations for creating a healthy environment so the body can spontaneously heal itself. Though the term Naturopathy was coined in 1895, this type of medicine had been practiced for hundreds, if not thousands of years prior. The fundamental difference of Nature Care with other systems is that theory and practice are based on holistic view point whereas the latter`s approach is specific. Nature Care does not believe in the specific cause of disease and its specific treatment but takes into account the totality of factors responsible for disease such as one`s unnatural habits in living, thinking, working, sleeping, relaxing, sexual indulging etc.
All ailments are believed to be caused by what you eat and what you don’t eat. Hence, a traditional Indian doctor will first make slight adjustments to your diet before he prescribes a medicine, which is to maintain health according to our body environmental factor.